Industry-leading automotive recall responses Stout's exclusive 60-point assessment

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Industry-leading automotive recall responses Stout's exclusive 60-point assessment

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Recall Administration and Strategy Consulting

Stout’s exclusive 60-point assessment is the automotive industry’s most comprehensive evaluation of recall preparedness, engagement, and execution. Relying on Stout’s preeminent automotive recall expertise and expansive proprietary collection of automotive component defect and recall data, the framework provides unique multi-faceted perspectives on automakers’ historical recall experience, their defect risk profile, exposure to potential costs, opportunities to cost-effectively enhance recall completion percentages, and identifies cost savings opportunities and efficiencies in all aspects of recall administration and compliance.

After completing the assessment, automakers can apply the insights and leverage Stout’s industry expertise to develop industry-leading recall responses. Such a tailored plan can enhance manufacturers’ abilities to identify and prevent defects, minimizes the cost of recalls, creates dealer and customer engagement, and improves safety for its vehicle owners. The Stout framework then provides for periodic review of automakers’ recall programs to ensure a best-in-class strategy is maintained.

Our team of professionals work with clients' vehicle safety experts, general counsel, government / regulatory relations departments, and compliance groups to examine the following areas:

Defect Identification and Testing

Assessments focus on policies and procedures related to identifying and testing safety-related defects in vehicles.

  1. Safety Office independence
  2. Recall decision-making process
  3. Defect information report amendment process
  4. Accuracy and completeness controls
  5. Safety testing and data analytics
  6. Social listening
  7. Internal communication
  8. Employee training and certification
  9. Regulatory Notification Requirements

    Assessments focus on the execution of policies and procedures used to comply with regulatory requirements regarding notification of safety defects, injuries, fatalities, and other communications to the NHTSA, vehicle owners, and dealers.

  10. Notification to the NHTSA
  11. Notification to vehicle owners
  12. Notification to dealers
  13. Early Warning Reporting
  14. Inconsequential non-compliance
  15. Emissions defect reporting
  16. Component defect reports
  17. International recalls
  18. NHTSA investigations
  19. Recall VIN Identification
  20. Quarterly performance reports
  21. Technical service bulletins
  22. Internal reporting processes
  23. Recall Completion Strategy Development

    Assessments focus on the resources necessary to enable effective recall strategy development and implementation.

  24. Cross functional teams
  25. Internal collaboration
  26. Data strategies
  27. Integration of recall strategies
  28. Iterative processes
  29. Vehicle Owner Communication

    Assessments focus on platforms and channels of communication with vehicle owners using research and data-driven relevance as well as accommodations for vehicle owners to overcome the inconvenience of recall repairs.

  30. Message format, language, and channels
  31. Clear and concise language
  32. Vehicle owner research
  33. Call center operations
  34. Recall repair accommodations
  35. Website review
  36. Message consolidation in garage overlap
  37. Dealer and Field Engagement

    Assessments focus on recall information supplied to dealers, resources provided to enable successful recall outreach for dealers, programs to measure dealer participation for recall activities, and evaluation of dealer impediments to recall engagement.

  38. Comprehensive use of manufacturer recall communications
  39. Dealer service capacity
  40. Vehicle owner data
  41. Recall outreach and research
  42. Local stakeholder engagement
  43. Recall repair events
  44. Recall repair profitability
  45. Incentivized recall programs
  46. Dealer recall performance comparison
  47. Missed appointments and repairs
  48. New customer engagement
  49. Accuracy of dealer recall claims
  50. Third-Party Engagement

    Assessments focus on policies and procedures designed to engage with relevant third-party stakeholders with vested interests in vehicle safety and the ability to assist with data or outreach related to vehicle recalls.

  51. Identification
  52. Participation in industry events
  53. Strategic planning
  54. Measurement
  55. Recall Performance

    Assessments focus on the evaluation of recall completion against internal and external benchmarks as well as the occurrence of field incidents arising from safety defects.

  56. Completion benchmarks
  57. Field incidents
  58. Cost

    Assessments focus on quantifying all amounts related to the recalls of vehicles for safety defects and opportunities for cost reduction through data-driven strategies and efficient recall administration.

  59. Internal, external, and procurement
  60. Outreach per remedy
  61. Dealer markups
  62. Dealer labor times
  63. Subsidized dealer outreach
  64. Remedy part development and distribution
  65. Legal / litigation
  66. Cost recovery opportunities
  67. Quantification of recall cost-savings opportunities through reduced legal costs, reduced injury claims, improved cost recovery, reduced costs per claim, and reduced costs per remedy


Is your recall strategy achieving Stout Performance?

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