Patrick Polomsky has extensive experience providing a broad range of business valuation and financial advisory services for public and private enterprises.
Patrick’s experience includes the valuation of debt, equity, and derivative instruments (e.g., stock options and warrants), enterprise valuations, and intangible asset valuations for numerous purposes including estate and gift taxation, income tax requirements, buy-sell agreements, personal goodwill valuations, blockage discount opinions, employee stock ownership plans, shareholder disputes, financial reporting (e.g., purchase price allocations and goodwill impairment testing), fairness and solvency opinions, corporate strategic planning, and other tax, corporate, and litigation matters.
His experience spans a diverse client base, from regional middle-market businesses to multi-billion-dollar enterprises, private equity funds, law firms, accounting firms, and financial institutions.
He is also responsible for maintaining The Stout Restricted Stock Study, which is the most comprehensive database of fully vetted and screened Rule 144 transactions used by valuation professionals to determine an appropriate discount for lack of marketability.
Practice Areas
B.S., Finance, Xavier University (Summa Cum Laude)
Professional Memberships
Attorneys for Family-Held Enterprises (AFHE), Estate Planning Council of Cleveland