Valuations for Insurance Placement Purposes
Valuations for Insurance Placement Purposes
Accurate insurable value estimates from an experienced team
In today's commercial property insurance market, accurate valuations are critical. Risk and insurance professionals must contend with evolving market dynamics that have increased the importance of reliable property value estimates.
Our professionals provide property valuations backed by thorough analysis and unparalleled expertise. We work collaboratively with clients to develop efficient strategies for assessing property value and provide clarity to complex risk management challenges.
Our services include:
- Property inspections
- Inventory and asset tagging
- Standalone insurance appraisal reports
- Long term insurance appraisal programs
- Business interruption
- Leverage of current/prior valuation work provided by Stout
We regularly value the following for property insurance:
- Buildings and improvements
- Machinery and equipment
- Office furniture and equipment
- IT equipment
- Mobile equipment
- Tooling assets
- Leased equipment and improvements to leased premises
- Inventory/spare parts
Who We Serve:
- Risk Managers and Insurance Directors
- Treasurers
- Brokers
- Underwriters
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