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Automated FMV Solutions Suite

Test drive our online calculators for yourself.

Our suite of online calculators is a game changer.

Our uniquely sophisticated and intuitive calculators provide defensible Fair Market Value (FMV) opinions in seconds. These web-based applications are client-centered to provide a superior user experience.

Our complete Automated FMV Solutions suite utilizes the same valuation techniques as Stout’s comprehensive, non-automated opinions and provides clients with a cost-effective alternative to traditional valuation engagements. Each tool offers unmatched turnaround time without compromising quality. The most recent suite upgrades represent the sixth generation of our firm’s calculators with increased speed, security, and convenience. With mobile capabilities, the Automated FMV Solutions suite is available on the go or in the office.

Several pricing options are available, including unlimited access through our Fixed Fee Partnership. Subscription pricing is also available on an individual calculator basis or in conjunction with other Automated FMV Solutions as part of a comprehensive services arrangement.

Calculator offerings include:

Provider Compensation Calculator

Provider Compensation Calculator

The Provider Compensation Calculator analyzes the spectrum of compensation terms and generates a customized FMV opinion.

On-Call Calculator

On-Call Calculator

The On-Call Calculator incorporates hospital-specific market information to deliver FMV on-call coverage opinions.

Medical Director Calculator

Medical Director Calculator

The Medical Director Calculator deploys a sophisticated approach to valuing medical directorships.

Shift Coverage Calculator

Shift Coverage Calculator

The Shift Coverage Calculator yields FMV compensation for physicians who provide services on a part-time or shift-rate basis.

Advanced Practice Professional (APP) Compensation Calculator

Advanced Practice Professional (APP) Compensation Calculator

The APP Compensation Calculator provides FMV opinions for employed and independent contractor providers.

Graduate Medical Education (GME) Calculator

Graduate Medical Education (GME) Calculator

The GME Calculator determines FMV compensation payable to healthcare providers involved in GME.

Lithotripsy Calculator

Lithotripsy Calculator

The Lithotripsy Calculator delivers FMV opinions for ESWL service arrangements that are compensated on a per-procedure basis.

Life Sciences Calculator

Life Sciences Calculator

The Life Sciences Calculator simplifies the FMV process for companies that routinely engage HCPs.

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Calculator

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Calculator

The EMR Calculator values medical practice EMRs that are being acquired by a hospital or health system.

Provider Production Calculator

Provider Production Calculator

Using a single set of procedure code data, the Provider Production Calculator provides summaries of physician productivity.

Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Physician Compensation Calculator

Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Physician Compensation Calculator

The BMT Physician Compensation Calculator deploys a sophisticated methodology to value employment arrangements with BMT physicians.