Stout 定期研究重要的信托与遗产税及估值相关案件,并提供专家分析。我们研究了每个案例背后的背景以及法院作出裁定的程序。
我们拥有遍布 47 个州的 1,600 多名专家,我们的专业人员经常处理联邦和州管辖范围内的高风险案件,并受到美国一线律师事务所和律师所的聘请。此外,我们直接与众多政府机构合作以解决客户的问题,这些机构包括美国司法部、劳工部、美国国内税务局以及证券交易委员会。我们利用自己法庭内外的丰富经验来分析最近的案例,以便其他人做出明智的决定。
The Only Surprise May Be How This Case Made It to Judge Copeland
The only part of this decision that might ruffle some feathers is the Court's finding that because Mrs. Fields could participate in the decision to liquidate the partnership, she retained the right in conjunction with another person to designate the persons who could enjoy the property.
Supreme Court Upholds Mandatory Repatriation Tax’s Constitutionality
SCOTUS upholds the 2017 Mandatory Repatriation Tax's constitutionality, affirming Congress's power to tax foreign corporation shareholders' profits.
特拉华州法院裁定 AT&T 在冻结退出交易中违反了对少数合伙人的忠诚信托义务
案件回顾:关于 Cellular Telephone Partnership Appraisal Coordinated C.A.6885-VCL 号