Matthew Hricko 是 ESOP & ERISA 咨询团队的一员,利用近二十年的财务咨询经验,为企业和受托人提供投资银行业务和估值咨询服务,主要用于企业融资和股东规划。更具体地说,Matthew 在涉及雇员持股计划 (ESOP) 持有的权益的项目上积累了专业知识,包括与组建、卖方交易咨询、交易公平性确定和年度估值相关的咨询和分析。在他的职业生涯中,他参与了大概 1,000 个项目,为公司带来了丰富的公共和私人经验。Matthew 作为区域领导者的角色优先考虑通过支持 Stout 不断增长的服务产品并协助招聘拥有相同 Stout 核心价值观的人员来扩大公司在该地区的业务。
除了实践经验外,他还撰写了几篇文章,并多次在专业会议上就各种与雇员持股计划 (ESOP) 相关的主题发表演讲,涉及估值、行业特定事项和交易结构。在加入 Stout 之前,Matthew 曾在 ArcelorMittal 的战略规划小组和 Lubrizol Corporation 的财务小组任职。
Outside Equity in S Corp ESOP Companies
November 2017
The ESOP Association’s Las Vegas Conference
Understanding Financial Statements and Communicating Value
October 2017
3rd Annual Great Lakes ESOP Association Regional Conference
Suggestions for Communicating the Annual Valuation, Financial Performance and Plan Changes
September 2017
Midwest ESOP Association Conference
Current ESOP Deal Structures
April 2017
The 31th Annual Ohio Employee Ownership Conference
The ESOP Association's Las Vegas Conference and Trade Show
November 2016
Current ESOP Transaction Structuring Issues: How Much is Too Much?
The ESOP Association Las Vegas Conference and Trade Show
November 2017
Designing Executive Benefits in ESOP Companies
National Center for Employee Ownership S Corporation ESOP Seminar
September 2016
S Corporations - Traps for the Unwary
National Center for Employee Ownership ESOP Symposium
October 2015
Valuation Issues for Mature ESOPs
National Center for Employee Ownership
July 2015
Is an ESOP Right for You?
The 30th Annual Ohio Employee Ownership Conference
April 2016
Selling Your Company to Your Employees via an ESOP
Ohio Employee Ownership Conference, the outreach center of Kent State University
April 2015
Emerging Trends in ESOPs
National Center for Employee Ownership Webinar Series
July 2012
Valuation Challenges for Ongoing ESOPs
FINRA (Series 79)
FINRA(63 系列)
国家员工所有权中心 (NCEO)
雇员持股计划 (ESOP) 协会,财务委员会