Jay Wachowicz ha una vasta esperienza, a livello nazionale e internazionale, in diversi campi della consulenza finanziaria, compresi: valutazioni, consulenze sul contenzioso, fusioni e acquisizioni, ristrutturazioni e riorganizzazioni finanziarie. Ha fornito servizi di valutazione e consulenza finalizzati a diversi scopi, compresi: procedure fallimentari, pianificazione strategica aziendale, valutazione di attività immateriali, tassazione di donazioni e proprietà immobiliari, consulenze su compravendite, allocazione del prezzo di acquisto, impairment test dei beni di avviamento, stock option e warrant, pareri di congruità e solvibilità, sconti di valutazione e altre problematiche aziendali e relative a tasse e contenziosi. Jay ha testimoniato nell'ambito di contenziosi e ha tenuto lezioni presso la Michigan State University Broad Graduate School of Management.
Seleziona pubblicazioni
Business Valuation: A Primer for the Legal Professional December 2007
Contributing Author to Book Written by Stout's Jeff Risius
CFMA Building Products January 2007
Intellectual Property Valuations in the Construction Industry
Seleziona presentazioni e discorsi
The Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants November 2013
Valuation of Healthcare Intangible Assets
The Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants April 2013
Developing Valuation Processes of Intangible Assets
Stout Webinar December 2011 Webinar
State of the Union on Fair Value Financial Reporting and the Valuation Community
2011 National FEI CFRI Conference November 2011
State of the Union on Fair Value Financial Reporting and the Valuation Community
2nd Annual Hot Topics for Financial Executives Seminar November 2011
Valuation and Financial Hot Topics
Michigan Association of CPAs (MACPA) Spring Accounting & Auditing Conference May 2011
Fair Value Considerations in a Merger or Acquisition
Michigan Association of CPAs (MACPA) Spring Accounting & Auditing Conference May 2011
Fair Value Considerations in a Merger or Acquisition
Michigan State University Broad Graduate School of Management, ACC807: Financial Statement Analysis April 2011
Valuation Hot Topics in Financial Reporting
Stout Webinar September 2010 Webinar
Valuation of Share-Based Payment Awards
MACPA Litigation & Business Valuation Conference June 2010
Advanced Market Approaches to Valuation
Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) 36th Annual Meonske Professional Development Conference April 2010
Fair Value Standards Boot Camp
Stout Webinar March 2010 Webinar
Fire Sales & Financial Reporting
Stout Webinar November 2009 Webinar
Impairment Testing Procedures and Pitfalls
Michigan State University Broad Graduate School of Management, ACC807: Financial Statement Analysis September 2009
Approaches to Valuation” and “Fair Value Measurement
The Private Equity International Strategic Financial Management Conference July 2009
Beyond FAS 157: A Strategic Approach to Valuations
CPE MEGA Conference June 2009
Accounting for Business Combinations in the Context of SFAS 141(R) & SFAS 157
MACPA Mergers & Acquisitions Forum June 2009
Implementation Issues with FAS 157 - Fair Value Accounting
“Deconstructing 141R – Practical Valuation Guidance in the Context of SFAS 141R and SFAS 157” May 2009
MACPA Mega Conference
Michigan State University Broad Graduate School of Management, ACC807: Financial Statement Analysis April 2009
Approaches to Valuation” and “Fair Value Measurement
Financial Executive International’s (FEI) Current Financial Reporting Issues 2008 Conference November 2008
Deconstructing 141R – Practical Valuation Guidance in the Context of SFAS 141R and SFAS 157
Aree di attività
Settori di specializzazione
M.B.A., University of Notre Dame
B.A., Michigan State University
licenze e assegnazioni
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
Ordini professionali di appartenenza
CFA Society of Detroit
CFA Institute