The COVID-19 pandemic has vividly demonstrated that digital infrastructure is the nerve center of the healthcare industry. Organizations found their digital capabilities tested in their ability to rapidly roll out new telehealth services and apply new analytics to improve health outcomes. Many found themselves struggling to adjust to rapidly changing business circumstances as profitable services were scaled back to focus on resources on fighting the novel coronavirus.

Like many other industries, the healthcare industry is striving to deploy modern, data-focused services to improve the patient experience, become more efficient, and improve business outcomes. And, similar to other industries, healthcare organizations struggle with data quality, accuracy, and data-driven business decisions. In conjunction with CIO magazine, Stout surveyed healthcare industry IT leaders to learn more about the numerous challenges they face in this current environment.

Our results indicate that many healthcare IT leaders are eager to take advantage of advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning tools but are focused on modernizing their existing IT infrastructure and improving or upgrading their existing data analysis tools first.

Download our survey, New IT Remedies for Healthcare Organizations to learn more about the specific challenges healthcare IT leaders face in using analytics to improve patient outcomes and customer retention.