On Time. On the Mark.

On Time. On the Mark.

Portfolio Valuation

In an environment of volatile markets, potential conflicts of interest, and regulatory changes, it is critical for fund and investment managers to hire an advisor who can help them navigate the portfolio valuation process, provide objective advice, and withstand scrutiny from all sides.

We provide periodic valuations to assist our clients with financial reporting requirements. Stout understands the complexity of valuing financial instruments such as illiquid equity, debt, and derivatives. We have a proven track record of helping clients gain confidence in their fair value reporting, and we provide insight in developing clients' policies and procedures.

Mark to Market Valuation

With Stout, you can count on advice that is independent, objective, and well-documented. Our defensible valuations comply with relevant reporting standards and policies that meet best practices, ensure consistency, and offer transparency.

Valuation Process and Procedures

Stout has established best practices for valuation procedures specific to portfolios of numerous companies and with multiple securities per company. We take time to understand the intricacies associated with each engagement.

Illiquid Investments

We have expertise establishing and supporting the fair value for investments not regularly traded in public markets. These types of investments include:

  • Senior and subordinated debt
  • Unitranche loans
  • First-out/last-out term loans
  • Convertible debt
  • Preferred and common stock
  • Warrants and options
  • Hybrid securities
  • Fixed income and interest rate derivatives
  • Structured products
  • Financial guarantees

Who We Serve

  • Public and private business development companies (BDCs)
  • Private equity, private debt, and hedge funds
  • Collateralized debt and loan obligation companies
  • Insurance companies